Sunday, November 29, 2009

What are YOU Thankful for?

In the Spirit of Thanksgiving
Please watch this video on Thanksgiving that was recently produced by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. There is so much to be thankful for this year!
I'll post more on my life as winter vacation comes...I'm finishing up some last bits of makeup work - YAY!

My young women's adviser gave us this bit of advice in her talk last Sunday:
Ask yourself this question everyday, "What am I thankful for today?" You'll be surprised at the things you come up with and the little blessings that pop up every day in your life.

Let's remember to be thankful and express that gratitude, especially for our Savior and His sacrifice for us, as the Christmas season approaches.
Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. I loved that video too.
    Besides all the usual things people say they are thankful for --- I'm thankful for TP. Yep that and my warm cozy bed. LIfe is good.

  2. Lauren - - you just spoke at our ward New Beginnings, and I had to say again what an amazing young woman you are. Thank you so much for sharing your story - - it can't have been easy. You did a wonderful job and your positive spirit just shined through. You're truly an inspiration!
