I realize I haven't posted since Thursday night which, despite being an all-nighter (which for me really isn't all night...just saying), was a very productive evening. A fantastic weekend leading up to this week of midterms and craziness... so I'm taking a few minutes to reflect on the lovely, relaxing last few days while taking a break from the crazy, hectic schedule that's already begun.
To speed through this rather lengthy post (I had an eventful weekend), the list of words by each date should give you a sense of what I did. you're welcome.
Friday February 3rd: Homework, a bonfire, Angela, Andy, Angela's brother, s'mores, group games, and the Sandlot.
Another productive day, though I was a little tired, needless to say. I finally found a motivation to work on homework: finish a subject's worth of homework and then write a letter to a missionary. It's actually been quite effective the past three days or so. Of course, I don't always work entirely through the subject and need a break halfway through the homework pile, but it helps! And I've written four letters already which is a definite bonus.
Angela invited me and our friend, Andy, up to a bonfire with her brother and some of his friends that night. It was super fun, though freezing cold, and there actually wasn't a bonfire due to snow and wind. So after a half hour or so, we declared the bonfire a failure and headed over to Tom's (Angela's brother) apartment. I thought it was pretty exciting because I actually could see a bunch of constellations I learned about in astronomy! Which never happened in the Chicago suburbs.
We're freezing. We're bundled up. We're in the wind. We look like we just woke up. But it was still fun. FYI: Tom (Angela's brother) is third from the left, Andy and I are on the far left. Photo courtesy of Angela. |
Anyways... we made s'mores in the oven at Tom's and then played a few group games and attempted to watch The Sandlot. Apparently they only have the first half of the movie. You know, I've seen the first half of that movie dozens of times. I still don't know how it ends. But it was still a fun time...and later that night going to bed Angela was muttering Sandlot quotes.
Her favorite: "You're killin' me Smalls."
Playing group games with Andy. We're usually not this awkward... Photo courtesy of Angela. |
Saturday February 4th: Megan's 15th birthday, Regency, surprise birthday parties, and friends.
So I had an interesting morning... Megan called me to wake me (and Angela) up so we could head over to Regency for the apartment lottery! But she called me around 7:30 in the morning my time, which means I wasn't fully comprehending anything she said... but since it was 8:30 in the morning Chicago time and my family tends to awaken early they had already been up for a while. Or at least long enough for Megan to open a birthday present. Which she proceeded to tell me that she is coming to Utah. Which I did not believe.
Anyways, Angela and I got up and went to Regency for the lottery. Probably one of the most stressful two hours of my life, which says a lot. But exciting news:
Our names were picked about halfway through, and Angela and I signed contracts for spring/summer and fall/winter at Regency! I'm so excited!!!! She's super excited especially since our balcony looks directly across the street at her brother's place.
2.5 more months until I can live in that place...with my own kitchen...with home-cooked food every now and then...with a living room...paying 7.5 times less than we are now...I'm excited!
It really is a lottery in choosing who of the 100+ girls there get first pick at rooms. |
Waiting...and waiting...and waiting... |
OUR NEW APARTMENT!! beginning April 23, 2012... |
While waiting for apartments, I texted various family members to find out if Megan was indeed coming to Utah and she wasn't just trying to get me out of bed. Guess what?
I cannot wait!! I honestly think I'm more excited than she is! It will be so much fun to see her! And she may come to some of my classes... although in her mind the only really important thing we will be doing is going to Legends Grille to stalk the athletes who come in to eat and then work out.
So those were pretty much the two major highlights of my day. But then it got even better!!! After doing homework and dropping Angela off at her friend's, I went to our basement to help set up for
this girl's surprise birthday party!! Since she was coming from the men's volleyball game, the party didn't happen until later than was scheduled, so a bunch of us just sat around and talked and took awkward pictures for a while, which was still fun.
Chloe, Harrison, and Kara. Some of my favorite people ever :) |
Brooke...and the boys. |
me and Brooke!!! and creepers... |
Brooke is one of my favorite people ever - she always inspires me to be better, more diligent, and is just an amazing example to me of living a Christ-like life. She is adorable and fashionable, a super fun person to be around, and can be very entertaining. And we will be going to Lady Antebellum on Valentine's Day!!! Woo hoo!! Needless to say, we are both super excited. Love you Brooke and Happy Birthday!!!
Sunday February 5th: Sleeping in, Stake Conference, piano music, cinnamon rolls, lunch with friends, letters, Ryan's 3rd birthday, and time with family in Sandy.
It was wonderful. We got to sleep in, I got to shower before church because I didn't wake up too late, and Stake Conference was just amazing. It was an amazing meeting focused around the blessings of the Book of Mormon, but our Stake President ended the meeting by talking about forgiveness. I love my Stake President, though I've never personally met him, and I'm grateful for the counsel each speaker gave on Sunday. I left inspired to be better.
We drove back from Stake Conference and headed straight to the Cannon for a meal (or in my case, a snack of salad to tide me over). I love going to the Cannon with friends, especially the people from our ward! We just sit and talk and we would be there for hours if there was no homework to do... but there is, so we don't. But it's nice to think about what we would do...
Some of the girls in our hall made delicious cinnamon rolls and shared with everyone!! So yummy...
I drove up to Sandy to have dinner with some family and celebrate my cousin, Ryan's 3rd birthday!! He is adorable! And it was nice to just take a few hours to relax, talk to family, and just play with some little kids again. My grandparents from Oregon were there, so it was fun to see them again (they came to dinner at the Cannon on Thursday night so we talked for a while then too).
Two cuties reading a book. Lincoln and Abby |
My grandparents :) |
Ryan... with his new farm, his Cars slippers, and eating some M&Ms. |
So stinking cute! Happy 3rd birthday Ryan!! |
The cousins: Lincoln, Jon, Emily, Hannah, me, Ryan, Abby, and baby Jackson. |
me and Jackson. I think I have 8 pictures and this is the best one without him looking like he's about to scream. |
me and the birthday boy! why are my glasses crooked in every single picture? |
A fantastic weekend...
It's a wonderful life.
Note: Please check Angela's blog for more pictures of our adventures together. She is far better at getting pictures of people than I am. Just sayin'.