Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Happy Monday

HAPPY MONDAY everybody!! It's actually been a pretty fantastic day, though I did wake up late.

So I spent the first part going to classes, doing homework, being as productive as usual. You know, if you're this productive so many days in a row you would think the homework and stress levels would decrease. They don't. Not one bit.

But now I do have a little more time to study for these two midterms I have this week...
Book of Mormon on Wednesday, Geography on Saturday.
At least government isn't until next week.

Went to dinner with some of the girls in the hall. Seriously, these girls are some of the most incredible, the sweetest, just fun people I have ever been around. I can't imagine not being in the same hall as them and seeing each one every single day!

One of the girls in our ward has revived the 119th ward curse of the girls ending up in the ER. Jamie was up skiing at Sundance and because it was so icy that night, couldn't stop and ended up crashing. The major problems: one of her lungs collapsed and she has a three-inch gash in her liver. She's fully coherent and conscious, but she can't move so that her liver can continue to heal on it's own. She is now in the ICU recovering, and so our FHE group went to visit her since she's one of our siblings :)
Family love :) Peter (the dad), Elise, me, Jamie, Hannah, Haley, Lacy (the mom), and Kelcie.
Just to clarify: in our ward, we are organized into Family Home Evening Groups. Peter and Lacy are our Family Home Evening Group Leaders. It's a whole lot easier to refer to them as our parents though. Hence, mom and dad. The end.
It's always an interesting experience visiting people instead of being the patient. I'm not sure if I'm a huge fan - I honestly think I'd rather be the patient. I brought what I could (my book and movie that were hospital staples for me) and asked some questions that everyone else probably thought were strange... anyways. Going to visit her again later on Tuesday to keep her company.

I came back from FHE and worked on homework (you're shocked, I know). I shared some popcorn with Hattie and Haley. I skyped with my family which is always a blast...
We're dorks. with matching PJ pants. super cute!! and I look strange because I had to take the picture which requires me to look at the keyboard. just letting you know.
And I got to skype with Newel! I miss that kid...and his humor. It was fun talking with him! Unfortunately, Angela was not present, so Newel had me dictate a sign to give to her. Hence the photo below.

After picking Angela up from her friend Will's place over in Heritage, we had a little party back at the dorm. Dance party: me playing "Hold On" by Wilson Phillips, Angela dancing/jogging/doing jumping jacks/running in place/burning excess energy/wiggling to that "work out" song. So entertaining. Still don't feel inspired to work out, though apparently she does. I'm so glad to have her to make me laugh even when I'm dead tired!!

Day 1 of the week of craziness done.
Only 5 days left.
I will survive.

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