Wednesday, October 17, 2012

sentimental mood

there are times when I just get into these really introspective, reflective, over-thinking, moods. it's a little weird. most of the time it's due to some [medical] crisis, but every now and then it's just a good day and I want to focus on a bigger picture rather than the paper I have due later that week.

which ultimately leads to me listening to sappy songs, looking at old pictures, reading a favorite book, and multiple blog posts in one week.

so enjoy some photos from my phone that cover the past several months. in no particular order...

it's bedtime for bishop
watching old home videos. I actually wore that. yikes.
hey bud.
quilt parachute on the beach
valentine from my uncle to my mom when she was in college. TOO CUTE!
we went to the zoo. and I really like this shirt.

discovered in a notebook. thanks Rachel :)
I love writing to missionaries!!
this is Bennie the Bumblebee.
my birthday gift to Rachel.
Megan's sad face because I wouldn't text her back one night.
well. that was a fun walk down memory lane.

which makes today a great day.

Have a fantastic rest of your day.

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