Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Monday. Day 1 Report

To return and report on my progress with my ten goals for the week:
  1. Out of bed at 8:03 am. So almost made it to 8:00 am. Personally, I think it counts.
  2. Not all of my homework was done the day before. But some of it was. So not quite. 
  3. Plan schedule for the day. Check. see picture below
  4. I read my scriptures for 30 minutes actually. But not this morning. But I still didn't fall asleep. So you decide if that counts or not.
  5. Backpack ready to go this morning. Check.
  6. Excess computer time: probably about an hour today. Still some cutting back to do.
  7. Letters written today: zero. Though I did get to read two from missionaries.
  8. 10 minutes of "soul time" spent breathing in the freezing air and catching snowflakes on my tongue. Pure happiness right there. 
  9. Remember to live like Christ: I'm not really sure how to measure this one... I went to Book of Mormon today, I did my visiting teaching, I helped out a friend who was sick by taking her to the emergency room. I guess those are the kind of things I'm trying to get at...maybe.
  10. And of course the most important one of all: at least 3 pictures. Check. actually, there are five today all for you to see how my day was. and there isn't a single one of the mountains (sorry).
The schedule and to-do list I made last night. Ready to go and got quite a bit checked off for the day!
This is me being productive in the maps section of the library doing my atlas exercise for geography. And listening to my country music to keep me focused. 
By the way - please note the little white square on my laptop. Those are my goals. I've been reading them all day and they are pretty much ingrained into my head already. And it's only Monday.
I GOT A PACKAGE!!!! And I picked up the Housing Guide. Did I mention how much I love growing up? And the free copy of the Wall Street Journal from the Cannon Center that's a day old. Need to keep up so I can ace those quizzes in government. The last one...yeah I obviously didn't keep up with what was happening with national politics. 
Contents of previously mentioned package: Nutella (apparently I am the only Holbrook who appreciates it so Mom sent me the leftover bottle from the food storage), t-shirts that didn't fit in my suitcase coming home, and magnetic clips I got from Santa for Christmas.

The Case of the Lost Wallet: A Humorous Narrative

This is a good story. Promise. I came home from dropping my friend off at the Health Center, and to may great dismay could not find my wallet anywhere. I searched high and low; in my backpack, on my desk, repacked and unpacked the package, looked under the bed covers, opened my food bins, even scanned the fridge and searched every nook and cranny of the car. I couldn't find it anywhere. I finally felt like I had left it at the Bookstore when I was purchasing a binder for my class and the wallet simply hadn't made it into the bag, though I was almost positive it had. Being family home evening, however, the bookstore and the lost and found were both closed by the time I came to this realization.

So I called my Mom who had me talk to Dad. That was a super fun conversation. Anyways, he cancelled the credit card and my debit card and told me what to do when I found the wallet.

I worked on homework for a while, watched a program on 401(k)'s for personal finance, and was going to read a book for a little while before I went to bed to lift my spirits and calm myself from the stress of losing the wallet.

I turned around with book in hand and saw this on the bed.

Angela and I both kind of freaked out. Promise - it hadn't been there an hour ago. Needless to say, I was incredibly grateful to find it. I then proceeded to spend a half hour on the phone reactivating my debit card. Dad took care of the credit card - isn't he wonderful? Love you Daddy :)

Lesson learned: don't ever lose your wallet again.

Another thought from the day: I am so incredibly thankful for the power of the Priesthood in my life and in others as well. It is such a wonderful blessing to have so many worthy young men literally a phone call away who are always so excited and willing to come give a blessing. I know miracles come through faith and the Priesthood combined - I have seen it happen in my own life and in others'.

I love Brigham Young University. I love the mountains. I love the beauty of the winter snow, though it sometimes takes a little work to appreciate it. I love my amazing friends.

Life is good!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lauren, love your wallet story, I'm glad I'm not the only one that happens to. Also great job on your goals. Hope to see you soon.
